Biking the Navy Yard

Last weekend I took advantage of the nice weather and embarked on a solo bike ride to the Philadelphia Navy Yard. It was a very cool ride that brought me up close and personal with a huge array of vehicle/building scales and grungy industrial materials, and being Sunday morning I pretty much had the whole place to myself.  While cruising through the shadowy warehouses and under rusting loading cranes I suddenly had one of those moments in Philadelphia when you realize just how special this city is – Philly’s Navy Yard is the oldest in the United States, founded right around the time the country declared independence.  The notion made me wonder how many of our American forefathers dreamt of one day being free to ride their single speed bikes while listening to NPR and snapping Instagram pics with their smartphones… probably all of them.





imag0038imag0067photos by Thomas Grant MacDonald | 2014 | all rights reserved